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Bright yellow marsh marigolds with large green leaves
Marsh Marigolds, Trenton

Free Resources!


Here is a collection of links to publicly-available online printables from a variety of nature conservation organizations! I will be continually adding my own downloadable resources as well, so stay tuned!

Program Resources:

If you missed a program, no worries! Here are some of the worksheets I have created! Please feel free to use, download and share!

Stories in the Snow

DIY tracking stick.png

DIY Tracking Stick!

Life-size Large Bird Silhouettes.png

Life-size Bluejay

Wildlife of G Ross Lord Park

Winter Wildlife in G. Ross Lord Park

Canine Snow Prints.png

Snow Stories: Tracking Guide PDF

checklist cover picture.png

Winter Birds of North York Checklist

teaching, winter, science kids activities

Cold Creature Rap!
Where do creatures go in Winter?

Life-size Large Bird Silhouettes.png

Life-size Bluejay

Birding info cover photo.jpg

Common Birds of Toronto (in winter)

Ontario wildlife activities

What creatures can you find in winter activity!

Beginner Birding

Where Creatures Go in Winter

Program Resources
Other Downloads

Other Downloads:

Bumblebees of Southern Ontario

Bumblebees of Southern Ontario from Wildlife

Great Lakes Backyard Bird Bingo sheet

Backyard Bird Bingo from
Great Lakes Guide

Pollinator friendly plants that bloom throughout the seasons

Plants that bloom through the Seasons from Pollinator Guelph

Screenshot of Toronto's Adopt a Pond Resource page with reptile and Amphibian guide sheets

Multiple resources & ID sheets from Adopt a Pond Toronto (you can contact them to acquire hard copies, or download the images)

Ducks Unlimited, facts about birds sheet

Surprising Facts about Birds from
Ducks Unlimited Canada

How to clean up your garden in a pollinator safe  way

Spring Garden Clean-Up from
Pollinator Guelph

Fishes of Ontario

Fish Species of Ontario from MNR

Pollinator friendly trees and shrubs

Tress & Shrubs for Pollinators from
Pollinator Guelph

Screenshot of the CWF handouts page

Handouts and downloads from
Canadian Wildlife Federation

SUMAC North Colouring Sheets

Nature Colouring Sheets:

SUMAC North Colouring pages

These are free for ANYONE to use in any educational capacity (teachers, educators etc.). If you would like to tag me on Instagram (@SUMACNorth) though, I'd love to see some coloured versions!!! :)
If you have suggestions for future colouring sheets you can send them to me at!

Nature colouring sheets

Saw-whet Owl

Nature colouring sheets

Green Metallic Sweat Bee

Nature colouring sheets

Yellow-banded Bumblebee

Nature colouring sheets

Gray Tree Frog

Other Places to find Nature Colouring Sheets!

Other Colouring Sheets
Loon colouring sheet

Loon Colouring Sheet
from Colour

Ontairo Nature colouring sheets

Multiple Nature Colouring sheets from The Ontario Museum of Nature

mushroom colouring sheet

Ontario Mushroom Colouring sheet from The Mycological Society of Toronto

Instagram Feed

Kingston, Ontario, Ontario Nature, Lesson plans, Nature resources, Ontario Colouring Pages

About Me

I am an enthusiastic, individual passionate about sharing the intricacies of nature and the connections we all share.

Land Acknowledgement

Where I live and work today, in the Kingston and Frontenac area, is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat. 

I recognize my role in reconciliation and healing as a settler/immigrant descendent and wish to learn and move forward in healing our relationships with both people and the land.

I would also like to recognize and celebrate the first peoples of Turtle Island who have in the past, and continue to be, leaders in conservation.

I am filled with gratitude for the kindness and protection the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Huron-Wendat have, and continue to share, with the lands I have grown to love.

Get in touch!

e-mail me @

Or connect @

  • Facebook
  • Instagram


In order to foster inclusiveness, this site is offered in 11 languages translated by Google. While I only offer English courses, I hope this will help share information!

If there are linguistic or grammar errors in your language, or your language is not listed here, please let me know and I will do my best to update the site accordingly!

All photographs © Emily Wright unless otherwise noted.

© 2023 by SUMAC North. Proudly created with

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